Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Calling via Cell Phone Could Kill Yourself??

"LOL, this is life, Pal!!"

Kanpur, India - Is it correct that cellphone and internet could make students commit suicide? It looks like people from The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) believe it.

From IIT, the high level of using cellphone in calling family could be related to be the main cause of suicide cases in IIT which is the last case happened on last June 2nd, 2008. Until now, there have been 6 suicide cases in this campus that invites concern from many people.

on the statement, IIT official said that cellphone could make students in under pressure because of their belonging to family problems. There is also a pressure via cellphone from family that "forces" students to get best achievement.

This things finally make students not to be focused on studying, exam fail, and the last part is committing suicide.

"In the past time, when students only have regular phone (not cell phone), they communicate less to their family and focused more on study," The IIT official stated. And, that's all not only because of cellphone, The Internet is also made to be the bad one by IIT. IIT said that some sites also have negative influence that make students commit suicide.

However, of course, there are also a lot of people disagree on this controversial statement. 'We can't just say that, because there are a lot of parents support on positive way to their children via cellphone or Internet," Prakash Gopalan, a dean of IIT Bombay demolished.

From the Hindustan Times (1/7/2008)

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