Sunday, September 21, 2008

(Plurk+Facebook) vs (Blog+Friendster)

Finally.. I'm Blogging agaiiiiiiin.......... ^^

it has been exactly a month since the last time i posted on my blog. (Aug 21st - Sept 21st). Dunno.. it seems like i'm just possessed by other sites making me away from blogging.

If at the past Blog n Friendster are must sites I open everytime i'm playing the Internet, it's not now anymore since my friends introduced me to Plurk and Facebook. Since i knew them, i enjoy more to do Plurking rather than Blogging and play Facebook rather than Friendster. Plurk and Facebook has interested me more...

oh.. my blog.. I'm sorry...
But, what should i say? Plurk and Facebook are using more Real-Time applications using javascript, Ajax or Flex which Fs and Blog do not implement them too much. So that, with Plurk and Facebook, i can interact with my friends more directly...

But, 4 redeeming my faults, i'll never leave my blog anymore...
Go Blogging... (^0^)/

Go Fs??? (well, i'm not sure i think so )

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Testing HP

Test-test 1.. 2.. 3..

Testing posting lewat HP (opera mOBiLe)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm just too GREEN (^o^)v

HAHAHA... I didn't really notice whether I'm just Too GREEN...

I just realized when i visit this website and this website. Both tell me that I do have something "GREEN".

The first site is about my name in Average American. At the site, i was just asked to input my name, and i insert my FULL NAME. and guess what, I got this kind of name for my Average American Name :

Your Average American Name Is...

Gary Michael Green

hahah... my name is GREEN, then..^^

and, the second site is about what color my blog should be. at the site, i was asked to answer 5 questions and i answered them as my opinion... and guess what, they suggest me to have a blog color like this :

Your Blog Should Be Green

Your blog is smart and thoughtful - not a lot of fluff.

You enjoy a good discussion, especially if it involves picking apart ideas.

However, you tend to get easily annoyed by any thoughtless comments in your blog.

hahaha... firstly, I'm happy that i dont have to change my blog color, because it has already matched to the result of the quiz. Secondly, these two quizes become the evidences showing that I'm just too Green to be me... hohoho..

My name is Green and I do have a Green blog...


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Carrefour si Gudang Receh..

setelah kejadian hilangnya kartu ATM, gw memutuskan buat "refreshing" di malem minggu ini...
(sekaligus.... sekalian gunanin semua uang kembalian speedy anak2 kosan.. hohoh.. maafkan (^/\^))
hmm... gw pikir2.... ke mana yah enaknya...
Nonton BatMAn? udah basi...
Nonton The mummY? katanya la ichi.. filmnya biasa aja..
jalan ama pacar? wew... jomlow bapuk kek gw lum ada pacar, bu.... T.T

trus?? ....selintas setan lewat ngebisikin gw buat MASAK-MASAK....
YEY!!! Akhirnya gw putuskan untuk berbelanja ke CAREFOUR (selanjutnya ditulis : kerfur) buat masak malem ini...
lagian gw juga punya voucher belanja Rp16075.. lumayan...

sampe di kerfur.. gw muter2 dari jam 8.15 ampe jam stengah 10...
(hohoho.. padahal cuma ambil.. trus dtaroh lagi... hohoh...)
akhirnya gw memutuskan belanja : Telor, Saos, Dada Ayam, dan lain2..

pokoknye, total = Rp 24.997
nah.. berhubung gw punya voucher 16.075 gw cumang wajib bayar 8.900
hohoh... kebetulan lagi.. uang gw adanye 50-an... walhasil... gw bayar pake 50an..

menunggu lama (kok menunggunya dengan waktu yang agak janggal)...
ternyata...Mas-Mas Kerfur (MMK) nyariin uang kembalian....
daaaan..... Jeng.. Jeng.. Jeng...
gw dikasih SEGEPOK uang receh yang sebagian besar 1000-an yang isinya Rp 41.100 saja....
terdiri dari :
2 x Rp 100
2 x Rp 200
1 x Rp 500
2 x Rp 5000
30 x Rp 1000 abal kek di pasar2...
hohohooh... dalam hati gw ngakak.... kok Hypermart segede GABAN, kembaliannya lebih parah dari pasar tradisional.... hahah...

gw : eh, mas, tuker uangnya donk.... masa iya kembaliannya receh abal...
MMK : Waduh.. mas.. gak ada euy.. adanya ini... lagian mas gak ada uang pas, siyh!!
gw : duh.. emang gak ada... gimana kalo mas ke cashier sebelah buat tuker uang saia??
MMK : wah.. maap mas... lagi banyak customer... malem minggu, niyh... rame.. banyak yang pacaran di sini..
(wew... ternyata kerfur jadi tempat yang asik juga buat pacaran.. hoho..)
gw : duh.. dompet saia tebel donk....?
MMK : kan jadi bagus, mas... dompet tebel tandanya makmur..
gw : halah... yadah deh...
gw : (menggerutu : duh.. mana gak muat dompet... )

ya sudah lah... walhasil.. gw pulang dengan dompet tebal tak terlipat... dan belanjaan buat dimasak...

kalo sekarang isinya seribuan semua.. moga pas kerja isinya 100.000-an semua... or dolar semua... hohho....


Friday, August 1, 2008

Dia Menelan Kartu ATM-ku tanpa sebab.. huhuhu

hari ini gw stresss beraaaaaaaaaaaaaaat...
emaaaaaak, tolong anakmu ini...

hari ini benar2 membuat gw stress berat...
ada beberapa kejadian yang terjadi tepatnya pada hari ini... gw gak ngerti.. apa ini ada hubungannya sama gerhana matahari ato nggak??? huwew.. gk nyambung :p

hix.. hix..
1 agustus.. awal bulan yang menyedihkan.
nih... beberapa hal yang bikin kenapa gw bisa sampe stress berat hari ini...

1. Kerja Praktek= "tambahan kerja diperpanjang 2 bulan lagi"
fyu.. fyu.. fyu...(bersiul-siul)
pagi yang cerah (jam 10.30 = pagi??) gw dengan riang gembirang menuju kantor tempat kerja gua. kenapa riang gembirang? karena gw udah ngedapetin bahan yang dibutuhin buat gw kerjain di kantor.^^
seperti biasa, sudah duduk 3 manusia aneh berjejer di depan komputer : La ichi, Amroel, Bebek.
Amroel : Wah.. tidur moloe!!
Bebek : Ah.. VQ mah dah biasa..
LA ichi : Emang.. kan vicky = KEBABZ!!

gw gak ngerti... la ichi selalu bilang gw itu KEBABZ.. dia menganggap gua gabungan Kerbau dengan Babi... HAH?? GELA KALEE?? padahal gw lucu begini, dibilang kebabz.. aneh deh!

pada suatu ketika [halah], waktu gw sedang mengerjakan tugas, tiba-tiba la ichi bersahut... vick, kita diminta bekerja sampai 2 bulan lagi....
Jeg (terdengar suara tusukkan langsung menembus dada)
seketika itu juga.. gw langsung terdiam.. memikirkan segala kesenangan yang udah gw rencanakan tiba2 harus hanyut terbawa ombak...
emaaaak.. aku ingin berlibuuur....

2. Gak ada semangat di waktu nge-gym...
hhuhu.. kali ini gw diomelin trainer gw.....
abis pulang KP, skitar jm4-an (kabur, karna bapaknya lg gak ada :P), gw langsung balik ke kosan, ngenet2 dikit.. trus, jam stengah 5 gw cabut nge-gym...
Dengan jiwa yang emang udah agak lesu, karna memikirkan pekerjaan yang 2 bulan lagi, gw paksain buat latihan Chest
dan tebak mengapa... diriku kelelahan.. huhuh... set gw gak maksimal...
dan berakibat.. trainer gwb ngomel... huhuhu....

3. ditinggal nonton THE MUMMY... huhuhuhuhu
gw males ceritanya.. yang jelas La Ichi gak beliin gw tiket nonton the mummy, trus dy dan temen2 laennya nonton the mummy...
diriku ditinggal sendiri terkurung di kamar ini dengan makhluk bernama internet... uhuhuhuh

ini hal paling bikin gw jengkel se-jengkel-jengkelnya!!!!!!
Gw bener-bener gak ngerti tuh ATM punya dendem apa sama gw! huhuhuh..
bener-bener nyesek banget.... huhuh......

malem harinya, tepatnya sekitar 1,5jam yang lalu, gw laper donk.. (secara abis latihan, gw cuma makan kedele rebus + susu), karena isi kantong tak ada.. gw cabut ke atm...
fyu.. fyu..fyu..
jalan lah gw ke atm dengan senangnya (kalo mo ambil uang, pasti bawaannya seneng^^)

nah.. sesampainya di ATM, gw musti nunggu 1 orang yang lagi ngambil uang..

nah pas orangnya keluar... dengan senangnya gw menghampiri mesin ATM yang sangat baik (karena selalu saja mengeluarkan uang buat gw^^)...

kronologi :
1. gw mendekati mesin atm dengan hati gembira...
2. gw masukkin donk kartu atm gw..
3. tat.. tit.. tut.. tet... gw masukkin pin gw, dunk^^.. senangnya^^
4. masuk lah ke tampilan menu.. gw pilih menu buat ngambil wang...


gw baca.. apa yang ada di layar... tiba-tiba.. gw tertusuk...


ternyata di layar tertulis (kurang lebih kayak gini) : "maaf, kartu tertahan, karen waktu anda kelamaan.."

Damn... sumpah yah.. tdi tuh gak pake lama macem2...
gw masukkin pin, pilih menu, trus terdengar suara cklek (kartu gw ktelen) n keluar pesan..
emang dasar tuh mesin lagi dendem sama gw!!

Wah.. bener siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLL!!!
mana gw udah laper... gak ada uang sepeser pun... kartu ATM ditelen... huhuhu...
akhirnya gw pake uang anak2 kembalian speedy yang blum gw balikin (coz, nunggu semua anak kosan pada kumpul)

teman2 kosan.. maafkan daku.. uang kalian diriku pakai.. nanti kalo kartu gua dah dapet lagi..
gw balikin... huhuhuh....

pokoknya MANDIRI harus bertanggung Jawab secepatnya!!!!!!!!!!!!!

huhuhu... kartu atm-ku yang malang...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

DAMN!! Someone's Using my EMAIL!!!


I DONT Know what to say....
This... is enough!!


Look at this picture?? HOW COULD IT BE happened??

I dont know why this could be happend...
someone has sent me spam with my own email...... DAMN!!
does it means that they know my password??
i found the header of the email :

From spider_vickman@yahoo.com Sat Jul 26 09:38:46 2008
Authentication-Results: mta137.mail.re4.yahoo.com from=yahoo.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (HELO fcts.net) (
by mta137.mail.re4.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 26 Jul 2008 09:38:46 -0700
Subject: Forget about any prescriptions ! Find meds here !
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary= "----=_NextPart_000_004B_B5F970B4.4624C8A6"
Content-Length: 694

Does anyone know why this could be happened??
anyone can explain me??
please help me..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

KOPDAR(Gathering) Blogger se JaKarTa & sekitarnya

Oi.. Oi....

Para Blogger se-Indonesia...
Ada sedikit pengumuman niyh... Insya Allah para blogger se Jakarta dan sekitarnya mo ngadain KOPDAR alias Gathering Blogger alias Kumpul-kumpul Blogger. Katanya siyh khusus buat yang di Jakarta... tapi sir Vicky Potter berencana bakal berlari dari Bandung buat ikutan, kok

Niyh Pengumumannya :

ACARA : KOPDAR Blogger @ Ragunan
Hari/Tanggal : Minggu, 20 July 2008 (Fixed)
Tujuan : RAGUNAN (teringat masa lampau....)
Tempat ngumpul : depan Halte Busway Ragunan
Waktu ngumpul : 11pg-teng (tp karna orang Indonesia, kayaknya rubbertime masih berlaku )
DressCode : Gambar Flora and/or Fauna

Nah.. kalo mau tau info lebih lanjutnya, bisa langsung menuju rumahblogger.com

Pada dateng, yah^^ koz, makin rame pastinya bakal makin asyik... !!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Google Melucu : Unidetified Roy Suryo

HAHAHAHHAHA..... Google pun ikut melucu

Kayaknya, gak ada blogger Indonesia yang gak kenal sama Om Roy alias KRMT Roy Suryo Notodiprojo atau disingkat RS....

Setelah sekian banyak fakta dan ulah yang dilakukan RS, banyak juga orang-orang seperti kita (read : blogger dan pengguna internet di Indonesia) yang agak kurang suka dengannya. Dan mungkin google merupakan salah satunya... hehehe....

Google yang terkenal dengan profesionalitasnya sebagai the best search engine, ternyata menanggapi sikap roy suryo yang sering asal bicara... hehe...

Tepatnya beberapa hari yang lalu Empu-nya Mr. Rubber mau coba cari kabar terbaru tentang Roy Suryo (penasaran aja, sapa tau ada "tingkah" barunya lagi... heheh) di Om Google...

ketika itu, temen-nya Empu-nya Mr.Rubber menyarankan untuk memasukkan kata kunci "temukan Roy Suryo", kemudian click "Saya Lagi Beruntung".... dan ternyata setelah di search... tampilah seperti ini :

heheheh..... si Empu ketawa ngakak banget... hhahah....
sampe gak sadar, ternyata om Google pintar juga ikut melucu (baca: ngelawakin om RS)..

dan, point yang paling kocak yaitu poin ke-4 dari saran yang diberikan google....
hehhehe.... two thumbs up buat siapa aja yang bikin ini... hahahha.....



After struggling for trying to post as gud as i can...


You may take a look at Mr.Google's Site and search for "rubbertime". And.. Don't be surprise if you see This Rubber Site becomes THE TOP ONE SITE of the search results.... hohohoho... Horray... 

And.. this rubber site is also at least at the top ten of the search results if you use the key of "rubber time"...... hohohoh... I love it..^^

so... we have to celebrate this day.... Horray.. \(^0^)/

Friday, July 11, 2008


You Have to Watch this Clip^^!!!

Ketika berkunjung ke rumahnya Mbok Youtube, gw menemukan sebuah video klip Cinta Laura yang Kocakz banggetz... hhahaha....

setelah gw analisa metadata dari video tersebut (halah.. gayanya si om PAKAR banget.. hahah), gw baru sadar kalo cinta laura ternyata bikin sebuah lagu yang okeh hanya dengan tiga kalimat :

ini Videonya :

hahah... emang bener-bener yang bikin klip okeh banget...

Kalo kamu mau lagu ini jadi ringtone pribadi kamu, buruan aja :
ketik REG (spasi) cinta [halah... hehehe]

Tapi beneran... sekarang gw udah convert video ni jadi lagu buat ringtone di HP gw.. hehhe... so, kalo loe yang ada dskitar gw, jangan kaget kalo gw dapet telpon/sms bunyinya lagu ini...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Damn! This is Why I do LOVE Cat!^^

Super Cute Kitten - Funny video clips are a click away

It's True : The Fact of Muslim Woman.

People Should See This ( Important It is About Muslim Women )

Calling via Cell Phone Could Kill Yourself??

"LOL, this is life, Pal!!"

Kanpur, India - Is it correct that cellphone and internet could make students commit suicide? It looks like people from The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) believe it.

From IIT, the high level of using cellphone in calling family could be related to be the main cause of suicide cases in IIT which is the last case happened on last June 2nd, 2008. Until now, there have been 6 suicide cases in this campus that invites concern from many people.

on the statement, IIT official said that cellphone could make students in under pressure because of their belonging to family problems. There is also a pressure via cellphone from family that "forces" students to get best achievement.

This things finally make students not to be focused on studying, exam fail, and the last part is committing suicide.

"In the past time, when students only have regular phone (not cell phone), they communicate less to their family and focused more on study," The IIT official stated. And, that's all not only because of cellphone, The Internet is also made to be the bad one by IIT. IIT said that some sites also have negative influence that make students commit suicide.

However, of course, there are also a lot of people disagree on this controversial statement. 'We can't just say that, because there are a lot of parents support on positive way to their children via cellphone or Internet," Prakash Gopalan, a dean of IIT Bombay demolished.

From the Hindustan Times (1/7/2008)

Monday, June 30, 2008

SP di ITTelkom = Sembako Party?


Emang yah.. Orang-orang bego kayak gw nasibnya emang sedih banget...

Apalagi di kampus gw... hal kayak begitu berlaku banget. Salah satu contohnya adalah SP.

SP, or orang banyak bilang Semester Pendek adalah salah satu hal yang paling istimewa di kampus gw. Ada beberapa perbedaan or yang bikin SP di kampus gw bener-bener spesial :

1. SP = Semesternya orang-orang bego. Kok Bisa? Ya bisa lah! Mahasiswa yang berhak ngambil SP adalah mahasiswa yang mengulang matakuliah bersangkutan. Kalo ngambil atas? Gak ada yang namanya cerita ambil Matakuliah atas or Matkul yang belom pernah diambil, Matakuliah SP adalah matakuliah yang sudah pernah diambil dan hanya untuk diperbaiki. Well, mahasiswa yang ngambil SP = yang bego2 di matkul tersebut, donk? Yaiyalah, kalo gak Bego, ngapain juga ngulang Matkul yang udah bagus nilainya....?

2. SP = Semester dosen permainin Mahasiswa. Nah, lo! Apaan lagi ney?? Yaiya lah, masa yaiya donk! Ada beberapa dosen di kampus gw yang merasa "SOK JUAL MAHAL" dan "SOK DIBUTUHKAN". So, mereka rata-rata gak membuka matakuliah SP sampai-sampai banyak mahasiswa yang memohon-mohon mereka buat ngebuka matakuliah bersangkutan. Salah satunya adalah gw yang mengumpulkan calon peserta SP suatu Matkul yang berjumlah 50 mahasiswa lebih buat ngemohon dosen ngebuka Matkul tersebut... well, dengan gamblangnya, dosen cuman ngomong : "Waduh... SP itu kerja tambahan, dosen kan juga butuh liburan". Ada juga yang bilang "Duh, saya aja belum selesai meriksa ujian matakuliah reguler, gimana nanti pas SP?". Trus, ada juga dosen lain yang bilang : "saya paling tidak mau dipermainkan mahasiswa. Kalau saya tidak mengizinkan SP, ya tidak akan ada SP matkul tersebut".

3. SP = Sembako Party. Well, kalo yang ini, gw bener-bener kesiksa. Udah lah, akuin aja, mahasiswa ITTelkom rata-rata emang pada gak disiplin. Apalagi kumpulan orang-orang bego yang pada ngambil SP. Udah Bego, Gak disiplin lagi... kasian banget siyh hidup lo... Ngantri registrasi SP aja udah kayak ngantri sembako. Maen nyelip-nyelip, ngedesek, motong antrian orang, gak punya budaya antri banget siyh lo! Apalagi, pihak kampus gak mau ngurusin yang beginian. Kan kampus bisa bikin garis antrian! Minimal, bikin donk "HARAP ANTRI DENGAN TERTIB"! Or skalian aja panggil satpam! Jangan kayak kampus susah, deh! Loe bayangin aja, gw nganri dari jam 10.15 sampe jam 13.30 (hampir 3 jam stengah, man!). Dan yang paling gw kesel, banyak aja gitu orang yang baru pada dateng langsung nyelak di antrian depan dengan santainya sambil ketawa-ketawa gak berdosa. Ya, at least, gw masih belum ikhlas elo-elo pada nyelak di depan gw. hmm... nilai hancur cuma gara-gara loe nyelak hak orang... inget, rezeki haram, man!

Niy beberapa hasil capturan foto-foto waktu ngantri registrasi SP (Sembako Party) hari Senin/30 Juni 2008 (10.15 - 13.30) :

note : gw minta maaf buat elo-elo yang pada tersinggung. Tapi, kenyataan, Man!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bill Gates Teared His Eyes when He Left Microsoft

Redmond, Washington - quoted from from Xinhua, Saturday (6/28/2008), Bill Gates couldn't stand tearing his eyes when he left his friends in Microsoft. Started from June 27, 2008 US Time, or June 28,2008 GMT+07.00 Time, would be the end of days of Gates struggling with his business in Microsoft.

Of course, after years struggling on developing the Giant Software Company,Microsoft which is released by Gates and his little friend, Paul Allen in 1975, there are sweet and bitter memories they had worked with.

"There is no day in my life when I'm not thinking about Microsoft" Gates stated with weeping eyes when he farewelled from the Company of Microsoft,Redmond,Washington.

Being free from Microsoft, Gates will be more focused on Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation, The World's Biggest Foundation built by gates and his wife in 1994. This couple which is estimated to be the couple having riches about USD 58 Billion-majority is the stock of Microsoft, will contribute most of parts of their riches to their charity foundation.

from http://detikinet.com

Friday, June 27, 2008

Deletemusic = Worm that Eats Music

Virus writers have unleashed a worm that attempts to delete MP3 files from infected machines.

The Deletemusic worm spreads via removable devices. As soon as an infected device is accessed the worm will be executed. Thereafter it copies itself onto all drives, including removable devices, and executes whenever Windows is started up on compromised PCs.

The worm is spreading, albeit modestly, causing a small number of infections. Anti-virus vendors such as Symantec rate it as a low to no-risk threat.

Malware capable of zapping MP3 files is rare but far from unprecedented. The Klez-F worm, for example, which was widespread in 2002, overwrote MP3 files (and other file types) on certain days of the month. The Scrambler worm was programmed to scramble MP3 files to sound like a scratched record while the Mylife-G worm overwrote MP3 files with the words "my lIfE".

None of these items of malware made any attempt to differentiate between legitimate and illegitimately obtained music files.

The authors of Deletemusic - the latest example of the genre - remain unknown. Vigilante virus writers or mischief makers are the probable perps though the involvement of music industry itself in some form or another isn't entirely implausible, given past form.

Either way the consequences of infection are serious for infected Windows users.

"With so many people relying on their PCs to store their digital music, rather than physical CDs, a worm capable of deleting an entire MP3 collection could leave someone thousands of pounds out of pocket," said Orla Cox, Security Operations Manager, Symantec Security Response. "We would recommend all users with MP3 files on their PCs to remain cautious about the removable media devices they are using in their machines."

from : http://www.theregister.co.uk

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This post is specially made by me for you all wanting to have embeded songs for your blog and/or friendster as music background.

I provide you with The SONG where no-other site has it, special for music backgroung .

i'm also able to receive requests from you.


Indoneasia's CDMA Fastest Growing in South East Asia

Jakarta - Indonesia is claimed as the fastest growing country for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) based telephone.

CDMA Development Group (CDG) shows the data of cdma based phone user in Indonesia untill the end of first quarter of 2008 reaching 16,3 million users.

"16,3 million makes Indonesia as the country having the most growing CDMA users in South East Asia" Chief Officer CDG, Jamer Person said in the press confrence at Hotel Ritz Carlton, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/24/2008).

In the end of 2006, Indonesia has only 7,8 million CDMA users. But in the end of 2007, Indonesia has double ammount of users, which is 14,4 million. This phenomenon happens because there are many Telecommunication operators rise with their new CDMA product. The operators in Indonesia offering cdma are : Telkom (Flexi), Indosat (StarOne), Bakrie Telecom (Esia), Mobile-8 Telecom (Fren dan Hepi), Smart Telecom (Smart) dan Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Ceria).

In this opportunity, CDG also shows the data of 451 million CDMA users in this world. This number are not only representing the data of CDMAOne users, but also the data of CDMA2000 users. 

CDG is a trading assosiation made to support the world's development, implemmentation, and using of CDMA 2000 technology. More than 130 members of CDG are the world's biggest companies of  nirkable carrier manufacturs.

Monday, June 23, 2008


A new Virus has been found, and grouped by MICROSOFT as The Most Damaging VIRUS!! The Virus was found by McAfee. But the trouble is : the vaccine for killing this virus has not been found untill now.

This Virus destroys Zero Sector from the Harddisk, which save the most important information function.

This is how the virus attacts our computer :

1.  Automatically, this virus will be sent to all the name on the address list tittled "A Card For You" (Une Carte Pour Vous)

2. If this card is opened, this virus will freeze the computer and the user must restart it from the begining. 

3. The most destroying thing is : If the user presses  CTRL+ALT+DEL or the command for restarting, the Virus will destroy The Zero Sector of the Boot Hard Disk, so that the hard disk will be permanently damaged.

based on CNN, in the couple of hours, this Virus has panicked the whole NEW YORK. This announcement has been received by the employee of Microsoft itself. 

So, the point is : Do not open any kind of email tittled "A VIRTUAL CARD FOR YOU" (Une Carte Virtuelle Pour Vous) and alway Update your Anti Virus.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gigi bungsu ku tumbuh = SAKIT

3 hari belakangan ini Si Empu meringis gak karuan..
hampir tiap Jam si-Empu sir Vicky Potter nahan rasa sakit yang buanget2 [lebay].....

Tapi, emang bener, kata kebanyakan orang kalo gigi bungsu alias gigi paling blakang mau keluar, biasanya sakitnya minta ampun. Ibarat kata jin, biasanya kalo si dukun minta sesuatu, si Jin biasa minta yang macem2.... nah, kalo gigi bungsu biasanya minta tumbal rasa sakit...
hix.. hix... (>o<)>

Ketika memasuki umur yang ke-21, Sir Vicky Potter mulai ngerasa ada sesuatu yang janggal pada graham bagian kanan bawah... pertama siyh okay2 aja.. tapi kok, jadi makin sakit??
huuuuaaaaaa <(T0T)> bahkan makan aja k'siksanya minta ampun, yang namanya ngunyah udah kayak maling PGA digigit anjing = "aing-aing, anjing, aing sakit, euy!"

dan, makin repotnya lagi, badan gw jadi pusing n panas demam di hari pertama n kedua karena gusi blakang gw ternyata BENGKAK

nah, sesuai gambar yang diatas, ternyata pertumbuhan gigi blakang itu memang cukup merepotkan bagi sebahagian orang. Sesuai referensi dari sumber lain, gigi bungsu or biasa orang bule sebut dengan "wisdom teeth" ini biasa tumbuh pada usia 18 sampai dengan 25tahun-an.

Dengan adanya perkembangan evolusi manusia, gigi graham bungsu ini sering tumbuh secara tidak normal. ada yang tumbuh ke arah pipi, lidah, mendesak ke gigi sebelah, or bahkan impaksi (tidak dapat tumbuh dan terpendam).

selain keluhan lokal dalam mulut, si gigi ini biasa juga menimbulkan migran, sakit kepala, sakit leher, bahkan bisa menyebabkan sakit wajah dan kepala kronis. nah, Bila keadaan tersebut terjadi, Dokter biasanya menyarankan untuk eliminasi gigi dengan operasi minor klinik gigi.

Nah, kurang lebih kayak gitu deh kira-kira permasalah pada gigi bungsu. Tapi, gw siyh coba bertahan pada rasa sabar aja.. xixixi... moga dengan sakit yang gw derita ini, Tuhan bisa ngasih gw petunjuk agar bisa jadi orang yang lebih bijaksana (kan, wisdom teeth^^). amin...

kalo Tips dari gw siyh, cukup aja minum PONSTANT (ups, sebut merk =P), asal jangan beli di warung BSM (Bapak Slow Motion depan mas-Jok deket kampus gw). Harganya mahal sekali, Bung!! Masa, gw beli di t4 dy dan si ibu penjual toko ngasih harga Rp2000 per biji. Karena gw sakit, gw beli donk! tapi pas malemnya, gw beli di warung depan Raflesh Campur (deket kampus gw juga), harganya cukup Rp 600 saja per biji. Eh, buseeet.....

Makanya... berhati-hatilah, kawan....

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Never Stop Laughing...

HHhahahah.... I just can't stop laughing when i see this Video...

How stupid they are... hahahahha.... =))

[watch out carefully....]

Mr. Rubber is Back...!! \(^0^)9

Finally.. setelah sekian lama...

Akhirnya si Mr. Rubber kembali dengan keadaan yang penuh semangat dalam menghadapi hari ke hari. Setelah mengalami Hibernasi hampir 2 bulan lebih, lho!!!

Pada tau gak kenapa si Mr. Rubber gak bisa berkutik dan hibernasi cukup panjang???

jawabannya adalah... banyaknya kejadian-kejadian yang menyenangkan dan menyakitkan yang menghampiri si-Empu-nya Mr.Rubber = Sir Vicky Potter

1. Selama Hibernasi, Sir Vicky Potter disibukki oleh perkuliahan yang sangat menyibukkan [halah]. Yang walhasil : nilainya jg belum terlalu memuaskan.. hix..hix..

2. Organisasi? humm.. lagi-lagi organisasi... Tapi sekarang Unit Kebudayaan Betawi (UKB IT Telkom) udah resmi terbentuk, dan Si-Empu jadi Ketuanya, Lho.. (^^,)

3. Si Empu Ulang Tahun tanggal 29Mei, jadi beliau memutuskan untuk merenungkan nasib dan tujuan hidupnya^^

4. YANG PALING PARAH!!! YANG PALING MEMBUAT KESAL!!! YANG PALING... DAMN..!!! LAGI-LAGI SOAL SPEEDY THE SLEEPY!! yang kali ini lebih parah lagi... selama bulan MEI, speedy di kosan harus nyala hanya total max 6 hari!!! dan yang paling-paling-paling parah lagi : KAMI BAYAR 850rb dan tidak ada kompensasi sama sekali!!! :MAD: selengkapnya ada di posting selanjutnya!!

fyuuh... [sabaar..]

Tapi.. ya bgitulah... ternyata selama Mr.Rubber vakum, banyak sekali hina-an, cercaa-an, sindir-an, bahkan lemparan lemparan batu (kalo yang ini lebay Xp) yang menghampri Sir Vicky Potter. Mulai dari : "rubbertime is dead?", "where the Fcuk is ur rubber?", "udah bosen ngeblog?", "si-RS ada di balik semua kejadian ini", dan lain sebagainya...

sakit memang.. tapi.. ya.. for me :


Blog is a media 4 sharing information and expressing my mind...

so, if you ask me why i didn't blog at the time, I've given u the asnwer...

MR.RUBBER IS READY!!!! \(^0^)9

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WARNING FOR BLOGGERS : "Bloggers could be sent to The Jail" !!

That's Right.

Now, Blogger must have to be careful! Why? It's because The Department of Communication and Information of Indonesia (DEPKOMINFO) has published The Electronic Transaction and Information Law (UU ITE).

This Law is made by the Government of Indonesia, BUT it influences Globally. In section 27 verse 3, I don't really get it, but the point is : Whoever, Intentionally and no rights, distributes and/or transmits and/or make electronic information and/or electronic document which contains words abuse and/or vilification accessible, he will get punishment.

People outside of Indonesia also could get punishment if they do something harm to Indonesian Importances.

From detiknet.com, by this law, The Government of Indonesia has also published that Bloggers are now forbidden to use their Blogs which contains vilification, or else, they will sent to the Jail.

What if the blog has already contains vilification/s? The blogger must close the blog, or he must delete the post that contains that vilification.

So, now Blogger (specially Indonesian Blogger) has been ruled. There are pro and also contra about this, because some blogger believe that blog is used to express their mind.

Okay. Once again, i warn you to becareful on using your own blog. Because, the law has been created.

What do You think?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

People Need Solitude; So Do We....

Life is more crowded nowdays as many people are busy all around with their own activities. Many towns in this world have been conjured as Metropolitan City full of Malls, Nightlife and Entertainments.

We just don't realize whether like it or not, our life has also been conjured by nature to go on with the flow of these whole activities. We do work, study, hang out, and do everything in our 24/7 of life.

8 hours a day for resting is not to make our life Totally fresh. Doing Exercise also only makes our body healthy. Eating fruits only makes our body healthier. Those are mostly help our life Physically. But, How bout our mind or mentally?

SOLITUDE... is one of the solutions to make our mind better.

Having a good mind will totally help us to be a better person. Solitude helps us refresh our mind. It can make us focused more on our life.

Going to the roof of mountain, sea shore, or only just in our own room with aroma therapy in total gently condition could help us muse life better and enjoy the situation.

Solitude could also be combined with several things. These are some tips from me if u want to refresh your mind :
1) Go to the sea shore.
All alone. Deeply breath the fresh Sea Air, And muse about the whole things of your life. Let your problems go away with breath went out from your mouth. Do this until u certainly think that it's enough of making your mind refresh.

2) In your own home.
In the early morning with total quiet , go to your garden or pool. Start breathing deeply the morning air. Do Yoga is the best thing to do. You may do it with total solitude and high concentration. I bet, if u do a good job, you will not only get a fresh mind, but also a fresh body.

3) Stay in your room.
This way is not totally quite. You need something like mp3 player. Turn on jazz (Smooth jazz or Soul may be better) or Instrumental Songs. Do not listen it too loud. And, you can burn the aroma therapy and some candles around your room (becareful of fire :p). Enjoy the solitude by listening to the song and musing on your life. Don't worry, the aroma therapy will make u stiller.

Those may be the tips from me if you want to have a Total better life along with fresh Body an Also Mind.... Some people enjoy solitude; So why not us?