Sunday, July 27, 2008

DAMN!! Someone's Using my EMAIL!!!


I DONT Know what to say....
This... is enough!!


Look at this picture?? HOW COULD IT BE happened??

I dont know why this could be happend...
someone has sent me spam with my own email...... DAMN!!
does it means that they know my password??
i found the header of the email :

From spider_vickman@yahoo.com Sat Jul 26 09:38:46 2008
Authentication-Results: mta137.mail.re4.yahoo.com from=yahoo.com; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (HELO fcts.net) (
by mta137.mail.re4.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 26 Jul 2008 09:38:46 -0700
Subject: Forget about any prescriptions ! Find meds here !
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;boundary= "----=_NextPart_000_004B_B5F970B4.4624C8A6"
Content-Length: 694

Does anyone know why this could be happened??
anyone can explain me??
please help me..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

KOPDAR(Gathering) Blogger se JaKarTa & sekitarnya

Oi.. Oi....

Para Blogger se-Indonesia...
Ada sedikit pengumuman niyh... Insya Allah para blogger se Jakarta dan sekitarnya mo ngadain KOPDAR alias Gathering Blogger alias Kumpul-kumpul Blogger. Katanya siyh khusus buat yang di Jakarta... tapi sir Vicky Potter berencana bakal berlari dari Bandung buat ikutan, kok

Niyh Pengumumannya :

ACARA : KOPDAR Blogger @ Ragunan
Hari/Tanggal : Minggu, 20 July 2008 (Fixed)
Tujuan : RAGUNAN (teringat masa lampau....)
Tempat ngumpul : depan Halte Busway Ragunan
Waktu ngumpul : 11pg-teng (tp karna orang Indonesia, kayaknya rubbertime masih berlaku )
DressCode : Gambar Flora and/or Fauna

Nah.. kalo mau tau info lebih lanjutnya, bisa langsung menuju rumahblogger.com

Pada dateng, yah^^ koz, makin rame pastinya bakal makin asyik... !!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Google Melucu : Unidetified Roy Suryo

HAHAHAHHAHA..... Google pun ikut melucu

Kayaknya, gak ada blogger Indonesia yang gak kenal sama Om Roy alias KRMT Roy Suryo Notodiprojo atau disingkat RS....

Setelah sekian banyak fakta dan ulah yang dilakukan RS, banyak juga orang-orang seperti kita (read : blogger dan pengguna internet di Indonesia) yang agak kurang suka dengannya. Dan mungkin google merupakan salah satunya... hehehe....

Google yang terkenal dengan profesionalitasnya sebagai the best search engine, ternyata menanggapi sikap roy suryo yang sering asal bicara... hehe...

Tepatnya beberapa hari yang lalu Empu-nya Mr. Rubber mau coba cari kabar terbaru tentang Roy Suryo (penasaran aja, sapa tau ada "tingkah" barunya lagi... heheh) di Om Google...

ketika itu, temen-nya Empu-nya Mr.Rubber menyarankan untuk memasukkan kata kunci "temukan Roy Suryo", kemudian click "Saya Lagi Beruntung".... dan ternyata setelah di search... tampilah seperti ini :

heheheh..... si Empu ketawa ngakak banget... hhahah....
sampe gak sadar, ternyata om Google pintar juga ikut melucu (baca: ngelawakin om RS)..

dan, point yang paling kocak yaitu poin ke-4 dari saran yang diberikan google....
hehhehe.... two thumbs up buat siapa aja yang bikin ini... hahahha.....



After struggling for trying to post as gud as i can...


You may take a look at Mr.Google's Site and search for "rubbertime". And.. Don't be surprise if you see This Rubber Site becomes THE TOP ONE SITE of the search results.... hohohoho... Horray... 

And.. this rubber site is also at least at the top ten of the search results if you use the key of "rubber time"...... hohohoh... I love it..^^

so... we have to celebrate this day.... Horray.. \(^0^)/

Friday, July 11, 2008


You Have to Watch this Clip^^!!!

Ketika berkunjung ke rumahnya Mbok Youtube, gw menemukan sebuah video klip Cinta Laura yang Kocakz banggetz... hhahaha....

setelah gw analisa metadata dari video tersebut (halah.. gayanya si om PAKAR banget.. hahah), gw baru sadar kalo cinta laura ternyata bikin sebuah lagu yang okeh hanya dengan tiga kalimat :

ini Videonya :

hahah... emang bener-bener yang bikin klip okeh banget...

Kalo kamu mau lagu ini jadi ringtone pribadi kamu, buruan aja :
ketik REG (spasi) cinta [halah... hehehe]

Tapi beneran... sekarang gw udah convert video ni jadi lagu buat ringtone di HP gw.. hehhe... so, kalo loe yang ada dskitar gw, jangan kaget kalo gw dapet telpon/sms bunyinya lagu ini...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Damn! This is Why I do LOVE Cat!^^

Super Cute Kitten - Funny video clips are a click away

It's True : The Fact of Muslim Woman.

People Should See This ( Important It is About Muslim Women )

Calling via Cell Phone Could Kill Yourself??

"LOL, this is life, Pal!!"

Kanpur, India - Is it correct that cellphone and internet could make students commit suicide? It looks like people from The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) believe it.

From IIT, the high level of using cellphone in calling family could be related to be the main cause of suicide cases in IIT which is the last case happened on last June 2nd, 2008. Until now, there have been 6 suicide cases in this campus that invites concern from many people.

on the statement, IIT official said that cellphone could make students in under pressure because of their belonging to family problems. There is also a pressure via cellphone from family that "forces" students to get best achievement.

This things finally make students not to be focused on studying, exam fail, and the last part is committing suicide.

"In the past time, when students only have regular phone (not cell phone), they communicate less to their family and focused more on study," The IIT official stated. And, that's all not only because of cellphone, The Internet is also made to be the bad one by IIT. IIT said that some sites also have negative influence that make students commit suicide.

However, of course, there are also a lot of people disagree on this controversial statement. 'We can't just say that, because there are a lot of parents support on positive way to their children via cellphone or Internet," Prakash Gopalan, a dean of IIT Bombay demolished.

From the Hindustan Times (1/7/2008)