Wednesday, April 9, 2008

WARNING FOR BLOGGERS : "Bloggers could be sent to The Jail" !!

That's Right.

Now, Blogger must have to be careful! Why? It's because The Department of Communication and Information of Indonesia (DEPKOMINFO) has published The Electronic Transaction and Information Law (UU ITE).

This Law is made by the Government of Indonesia, BUT it influences Globally. In section 27 verse 3, I don't really get it, but the point is : Whoever, Intentionally and no rights, distributes and/or transmits and/or make electronic information and/or electronic document which contains words abuse and/or vilification accessible, he will get punishment.

People outside of Indonesia also could get punishment if they do something harm to Indonesian Importances.

From detiknet.com, by this law, The Government of Indonesia has also published that Bloggers are now forbidden to use their Blogs which contains vilification, or else, they will sent to the Jail.

What if the blog has already contains vilification/s? The blogger must close the blog, or he must delete the post that contains that vilification.

So, now Blogger (specially Indonesian Blogger) has been ruled. There are pro and also contra about this, because some blogger believe that blog is used to express their mind.

Okay. Once again, i warn you to becareful on using your own blog. Because, the law has been created.

What do You think?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

People Need Solitude; So Do We....

Life is more crowded nowdays as many people are busy all around with their own activities. Many towns in this world have been conjured as Metropolitan City full of Malls, Nightlife and Entertainments.

We just don't realize whether like it or not, our life has also been conjured by nature to go on with the flow of these whole activities. We do work, study, hang out, and do everything in our 24/7 of life.

8 hours a day for resting is not to make our life Totally fresh. Doing Exercise also only makes our body healthy. Eating fruits only makes our body healthier. Those are mostly help our life Physically. But, How bout our mind or mentally?

SOLITUDE... is one of the solutions to make our mind better.

Having a good mind will totally help us to be a better person. Solitude helps us refresh our mind. It can make us focused more on our life.

Going to the roof of mountain, sea shore, or only just in our own room with aroma therapy in total gently condition could help us muse life better and enjoy the situation.

Solitude could also be combined with several things. These are some tips from me if u want to refresh your mind :
1) Go to the sea shore.
All alone. Deeply breath the fresh Sea Air, And muse about the whole things of your life. Let your problems go away with breath went out from your mouth. Do this until u certainly think that it's enough of making your mind refresh.

2) In your own home.
In the early morning with total quiet , go to your garden or pool. Start breathing deeply the morning air. Do Yoga is the best thing to do. You may do it with total solitude and high concentration. I bet, if u do a good job, you will not only get a fresh mind, but also a fresh body.

3) Stay in your room.
This way is not totally quite. You need something like mp3 player. Turn on jazz (Smooth jazz or Soul may be better) or Instrumental Songs. Do not listen it too loud. And, you can burn the aroma therapy and some candles around your room (becareful of fire :p). Enjoy the solitude by listening to the song and musing on your life. Don't worry, the aroma therapy will make u stiller.

Those may be the tips from me if you want to have a Total better life along with fresh Body an Also Mind.... Some people enjoy solitude; So why not us?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

9 Fakta tentang Roy Suryo

for more pics, go to kaskus.com yang bikin loe pd mati ketawa

Gw dapetin info ini saat gw berselancar ke www.riyogarta.com. Ternyata, ada 9 fakta tentang seorang Roy Suryo yang banyak orang-yang-gak-tau-apa-apa menjuluki beliau sebagai seorang "PAKAR" TELEMATIKA INDONESIA.

Berikut Beritanya :
Di tengah ketenarannya, sebaiknya kita lebih mengenal lagi siapa itu Roy Suryo yang sebenarnya sebelum beliau benar-benar dipanggil sebagai "PAKAR IT INDONESIA" (cuih..). Berikut paparan Fakta tentang Roy Suryo (RS)...

1) RS BUKAN dosen UGM
Beliau hanya pengajar tamu di Program D-3 Komunikasi UGM, Mengajar FOTOGRAFI (itu pun saya duga hanya bbrp semester saja, skrg saya cek ke sana, namanya sudah tidak tercantum). Terminologi dosen tamu itu sangat umum di UGM, terutama program D-3

2) Dosen di Institut Seni Indonesia Jurusan Seni Media Rekam.
Para koleganya di sana sudah menganggap dia "tidak ada", karena dia sangat tidak aktif di ISI. Bahkan dalam banyak publikasi, ia seakan "menyembunyikan" statusnya sebagai dosen ISI.

3) S-2 Fakultas Kedokteran UGM (Program promosi Kesehatan).
Tidak pernah menyelesaikan program studi ini. Ia masuk, karena ayahnya seorang dosen FK UGM.

4) 0 besar saat Y2K.
Dia nol besar saat terjun langsung secara praktek dilapangan ketika dia diminta Bank BPD DIY untuk membenahi IT saat Y2K. Ia hanya berkomentar di media

5) Copy Bahan seminar orang
Bila menjadi pembicara seminar, beliau sering meminta softcopy Materi pembicara lain. Suatu saat dia mencomotnya dan "menjualnya" di seminar lain.

6) Tidak dianggap di HISFA
Di Komunitas Fotografer Amatir Jogja (HISFA), beliau sudah tidak lagi dianggap karena perkataannya yang sering kebablasan di media

7) Sering "Menyibukkan Diri"
Temannya sering menggunjing dia sebagai orang yang sering "menyibukkan diri". Sangat hiperaktif mengirim press release. Jelas, karena tak ada kesibukkan lain.

8) Sok-sok an mengaktifkan account email
Account beliau di UGM.ac.id sudah dimatikan semenjak kebijakan Dr. Ahmad Djunaidi (Kepala PUSKOM UGM) untuk menutup pemakai account email @ugm.ac.id yang digunakan oleh orang diluar instansi UGM (1990an @ugm.ac.id bebas dipakai oleh siapa saja). Selama ini beliau selalu bilang "sedang dalam proses mengaktifkan kembali account email [Email Protected]".

9) RS gagal jadi dosen FISIPOL UGM.
Sekitar tahun 1991, Rektor UGM saat itu adalah Prof. Moch. Adnan, dan Dekan Fisipol Prof. Ichlasul Amal. Karena IP yang tisak mencukupi, beliau tidak dapat diterima. Dalam rangka memenuhi keinginan menjadi PNS, beliau mendaftar di ISI yang baru membuka program studi Seni Media Rekam.

at last :
Beri komentarmu tentang semua fakta ini.....

Roy Suryo SOTOY : "Blogger Hambat Mayarakat Akses Internet"

dari www.Indocommit.com

Komunitas blogger dinilai sebagai penghambat masyarakat untuk mengakses dunia maya karena ulahnya yang meresahkan publik.

Hal tersebut dikatakan pakar telematika Roy Suryo kepada Indocommit.com belum lama ini. Seperti telah diberitakan, Roy mensinyalir blogger sebagai pembobol situs Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) dan Partai Golkar pada pekan lalu.

“Coba dilakukan survei kepada masyarakat mengenai peran blogger. Saya bisa pastikan publik sekarang ketakutan buka internet karena sikap sebagian blogger, seperti Enda Nasution yang nyeleneh,” tuturnya.

Menurutnya, blogger tidak memberikan kontribusi terhadap perkembangan teknologi informasi komunikasi (ICT) di tanah air. “Enda Cs menolak diajak menyumbangkan ide dalam penyusunan undang-undang informasi dan transaksi elektronik (ITE) sebelum undang-undang tersebut disahkan DPR,” paparnya.

Sebelumnya, Enda menganggap Roy tidak bisa membedakan antara hacker dengan blogger yang membobol situs Depkominfo dan Partai Golkar. Pakar telematika itu menilai blogger belum bisa menciptakan citra positif terhadap publik.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Make Your Own SOUTHPARK Character

This pictures is my character in SOUTH PARK TV SHOW. Brown Hair, mad-looking eyes, bloody head, ciggerate, until Cartman-ass cloth...

You can see most of this style in SOUTH PARK series. I really love that series. it's alway on MTV USA every Wednesday night.

South park is a cartoon series that is PURELY ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTANDABLY for CRAZY ADULT PEOPLE.. hahhaha....

This cartoon is telling us about the story of little kids in South Park town. But, these kids are not just ordinary. Their life, friends, family are all "CRAZY", means, you can just laugh when you watch this TV Show. hehehe......

Anyway, If you have watched this show, and love it, and you probably imagine that you could there somehow, I have a tool for you to make your own SOUTH PARK character. this is actually not my tool (lol). I just found it when i looked for characters to be collected.

The name of this Application is

This description of the application :
1) When you finish opening the site,you will be told bout the description :

2) Right after that, you can start to make your own character from whatever you want. You can start to make Body first, or Hands, or head, or, else^^

3) And then, you can finish it by adding a background and other miscellaneous

Unfortunately, this application doesn't provide a tool to save the drawing. But you still can printscreen the your drawing and save it as JPEG image^^

The point is, make your own south park character and don't forget to watch the series. If you don't have the MTV USA, u still can download it for FREE in the site : http://www.southparkfiles.com

ENJOY (^0^)/

HEROES Season 3 released

This is what we have been waiting for : The 3rd season of HEROES the series.

Heroes is an amazing Tv Show and of course it has a lot of fans. This is telling us more about the story of superpower men. The powers are also different one to another. One has an ability to fly (Nathan Petrelli), other has an ability to talk with machines (Micah), and so on, and so on.

But, from all the character in Heroes seoson 1 and 2,there are some characters i don't really like :

- Mohinder
Don't know, I just don't like his not-having-ability life. He also is always used by many people. He is an inconsistent guy.

-Maya Herrera
She has nothing except crying.

-West Rosen (Claire's BF)
What can he do? Only make this show become a happy-ending love story?

-Molly walker??
Owh, Man! She always makes people worry about her. what can she do? Laying on the bed and crying every time she wakes up? Owh please, she always has Nightmares!

But, from all the heroes, if i have to choose, i wanna have the ability of :
He can do absorb all characters' abilities right after he met them. What a power^^!

NBC will release the Heroes season 3 on September 8th, 2008. So we have to be little more patient^^. Don't be surprise (^0^), because there will be 12 new characters shown in The 3rd season. I dont know what kind of abilities would be shown.

I cant stand to watch the next episodes.......

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Telkom SPEEDY or Telkom SLEEPY ???

Kenapa saya kelompokkan Posting ini di Label "Accident"??
Karena memang ini sebuah kecelakaan... yang (at least) saya dan teman2 kosan rasakan.

Sudah lebih dari setengah tahun kami menggunakan TELKOM SPEEDY "unlimited office" di kosan kami. Sejak bulan agustus 2007 tepatnya. Entah kenapa, akhir-akhir ini kami merasa menjadi orang-orang yang terzolimi. "OLEH SIAPA??". Oleh PT TELKOM INDONESIA, tbk PASTINYA.

Ubah (p = L) & (d = P) menjadi SLEEPY

Mungkin kata-kata saya diatas terlalu men-Judge suatu pihak. Mohon maaf sebelumnya, tapi memang seperti itu kenyataannya. Dalam satu bulan ini, Hampir setengah bulan kami tidak bisa merasakan bahwa kami memiliki INTERNET.

Banyak kasus yang sudah tidak lagi menjadi rahasia umum mengenai speedy. Dari SUPER LEMOT sampai NAIK-TURUNnya Koneksi.

Dalam satu hari saja, Sudah puluhan kali koneksi Naik-Turun. Mungkin hal tersebut gak masalah buat yang menggunakan internet sesekali. But, Hey, We (or ,specially ME) have many things to do with The Internet. Mulai dari download software ratusan mega sampai movies. Gila aja kali kalo saya harus download software, kemudian koneksi terputus BEBERAPA JAM, dan download lagi dari awal (dan gak ada yang jamin koneksi bakal lancar selanjutnya).

Apalagi kalau harus kumpul tugas deadline, speedy mati, should I GO TO CAMPUS or Internet SHOP?? DAMN! GW BAYAR FASILITAS SPEEDY, MAN!!!

Dan yang paling parah, system penanganan error dari speedy (for me) is not Bloody Good. Kasus terparah saya sekitar belasan Maret. Setelah koneksi Naik-Turun beberapa jam, tiba-tiba speedy saya MATI TOTAL. Setengah hari -> sudah mulai terbiasa; hampir 24 jam -> mulai rewel; sudah lewat 24 jam -> komplain ke 147 (YANG MASIH JUGA DIKENAIN PULSA).

hari ke 2, saya komplain (masih sabar donk), dan jawabannya "Baik, Pak, Akan Kami lanjutkan ke bagian Jaringan dan Nanti Bapak akan kami hubungi".

hari ke 3, kemudian (saya msh belum dihubungin), saya telpon lagi dan gw mulai panas.

hari ke 4, saya gak dihubungin juga, saya PANAS, saya marah-marah!!! Dia bilang, "Baik, Pak, akan kami dispatch langsung ke bagian jaringan dan Mohon maaf sekali atas ketidaknyamanannya"

hari ke 5, saya masih gak dhubungin juga, speedy masih FULLY OFF, saya telpon lagi, marah2 lg ke CSnya.

hari ke 6, ada orang telkom dateng (fyuuh, akhirnya...) utak-atik saluran telepon... TERNYATA GAK ADA HASIL!!!! Dy pulang (DASAR GADUNGAN!). Saya telpon lg ke 147, Minta teknisi yang qualified! Akhirnya jam 2an ada yang dateng lg. Dia kemudian utak atik dari komputer dan Guess What? BERHASIL!! Horray!!^^ orangnya pulang deh...

BUT, WHAT AGAIN???? Jam6 sorenya, speedy mati lagi. Sampe besokannya. Dan, komplain lagi deh.... dan baru lancar setelah beberapa hari.... itupun juga plus naik turun setiap beberapa jam. T.T

Sampai saat ini pun, saya harus nunggu speedy jalan, baru posting ini bisa kekirim...
huhuhu... betapa terzoliminya kami... (T.T)

Yang jelas, kita bakal minta kompensasi ke Telkom pada saat pembayaran tagihan bulan maret nanti. Dan, kita udah bagi-bagi tugas buat ngehitung berapa lama speedy mati dari catatan yang ada di account speedy saya di website portal.telkomspeedy.com.

Wireshark = Hacking tool??

wireshark logo


Well, it could probably be true; depends on how it is used.

As we know, Wireshark is a tool for a Network analyzer or an IT student in order to be used for watching the traffic of a Network. it's also mostly used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software, and communication protocol development and education. Wireshark is good for everyone who wants to become a Protocol Engineer.

Many people use Wireshark to watch the pattern of data traffic being sent among computers over the network. The Wireshark system actually operates almost like a WORM. It captures the data that is sent out or in to our computer. It also provides us many kinds of information : The protocols we use, messages we sent and many more.

Out of necessity, Gerald Combs (a computer science graduate of the University of Missouri-Kansas City) started writing a program called Ethereal so that he could have a tool to capture and analyze packets; he released the first version around 1998. Pretty soon, this GPLed protocol analyzer caught on. As of now there are over 500 contributing authors while Gerald continues to maintain the overall code and issues releases of new versions. The entire list of authors is available from Wireshark's web-site.

But, WAIT....
I've just known that Wireshark can be used as a Hacking Tool...
"HOW??" is probably the question that always be asked...

This is how to use it....
1) Install wireshark
2) right after u finish, open it

3) click "CAPTURE"=>option=>and choose your Interface (Ethernet Card)
=> click start.
You will see ALL the Traffic in the network. including source, destination, protocol HTTP, TCP, IGMP and many kinds of requests everybody sent trough the Network.

4) Then,write on the Filter : http.request.method=="POST".Press ENTER.
There will be all informations of HTTP protocol showed.
If there is your friend in the same network Logs into one site such as FRIENDSTER.COM while you are capturing the network, you will find the information with this.

5) For Friendster, find the /login.php in the info column

6) see the middle Box. You will see :


hahah... now you get THE USERNAME AND PASSWORD of your friend's account.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

RAN - the rising up band from Indonesia

"RAN -For Your Life"

"COOL..." is the only word i can say to this band!

Consists of three young man : Astono Andoko/Asta (Gitar), Rayi Putra/Rayi (Rap), dan Anindyo Baskoro/Nino (Vocal), this band brings a new collaboration of music genre : Jazz, Soul, Rap, Pop, and Hip-hop into funk jazz. And, also, some of the songs are brought with Fluent English. So, We really could enjoy this music, not only from the songs, but also their meaning.

Their single hits,"Pandangan Pertama" ("FIRST SIGHT") has become a TOP10 in Indonesian Music Charts.

If u listen to the songs, u really will enjoy them. Very easy listening. My own favorite song is "D'Inspiration". It explains u how a girl could inspire someone.

This is the track info of its album :
1. Warna Warni Dunia
2. Pandangan Pertama
3. Hanya Untukmu
4. D'Inspiration
5. Kembali
6. Selamat Pagi
7. Auramu
8. Let Me Be
9. Warnai Malam Ini
10. Nothing Lasts Forever
11. Lagu Untuk Riri

The most Impressive one is, even RAN is still a new comer in Indonesian Music Industry, It has been invited to perform in Java Jazz Festival 2008 (The arena for Big Jazz Musicions). SALUTE!

Lyrics : RAN - D'Inspiration

It's 9:42
I'm still playing with this beat
And my girl, she fell asleep
Oh God! She's so sweet

Now it's ten o'clock
I thought I'ma take her walk
We're gonna be walking in the park
And we'll be kissing in the dark

And I think we can
Make it to our promise land
We'll be happy and
We'll live together till the end

And I hate to admit it, but I'm so in love with you
Well it's not secret anymore, I can't keep it anymore
And I hate to admit it, but I'm so in love with you
Now it's not secret anymore, I'm addicted to your love

Your love makes me high
Your love drives me wild
It makes me feel like I'm in the sky
Your love makes me cry

And I think we can
Make it to our promise land
We'll be happy and
We'll live together till the end

You gave me so much education
You gave me all the right direction
You gave me your love and affection
'coz baby, you're my inspiration

Note :
You must have the ALBUM! (^0^)v or contact me if u want me to share it^^

STT Telkom has been closed ???

"REALLY? <(0_0)> OMG... So, where should i move then? How 'bout my 6th semester? What if my Mom knows it? Will I be a budgeting without any academic tittle? WHAT ABOUT MY MONEEEEY......??"

Hahaha.... Don't Worry! Not all things u know are true. (^-^)

The only truth is :
YES! STT TELKOM (SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNOLOGI TELKOM : Telkom School of Engineering) has been "closed". But, it's not closed at all.

"what do you mean?".

"Closed" here means you will never find STT Telkom anywhere, because it has been changed into IT TELKOM or INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI TELKOM (Institute of Technology TELKOM) since its soft launching on February 23rd, 2008. The Logo is also changed. Simpler and Better^^

=the old logo=

=The latest logo =

"why is it changed?"

It's all because IT TELKOM is goin to go International. Since SEKOLAH TINGGI (school) has no same meaning as University, The Officers of IT TELKOM has now changed it into Institute.

So, the conclusion is we must not worried of loosing our great STT TELKOM, Because the only thing that has been changed is its Name and Logo.